Monday, January 14, 2013

Shock waves from technology

Do you all know technology still shocks me? Last week Friday, I discovered that my blog disappeared; like it just went like that and I searched for it like I was looking for pin in water but I was getting a response that my blog has been deleted.  How does that happen? I decided not to give it any attention over the weekend, deciding instead to focus on getting better (I was ill *sigh*). Anyway, this morning, I checked and it was still gone and fast forward to COB today, my blog was back!! Yay! I still don't understand what happened and I'm not bothering to understand; I'll just backup my blog jejely but you see why even as a techie, I'm not a full believer in cloud computing? The security hasn't fully cut it for me just yet. Okay, I digress. Anyway, please shout hallelujah for me that she din't disappear completely! Thank you.

 I'm listening to Barlow Girl at the moment. I've always loved that band mostly because they are very girly and their music is loud. Recently, I've been stuck on a particular track "Beautiful Ending" and one day, the lyrics and message of the song just made meaning to me. Often times, life makes up lose crucial contact with God; I mean it's easy to be living in this country or any other and just forget that all that truly matters is God not just because of the tons of evil in the world right now but also because of the tons of things that seem good and pleasing to the eye.

On one hand, we get so overwhelmed with the troubles and worries and all sorts going on around that we just lose it and relegate God who knows and understands it all into the background. On the other hand, we get so caught up in all the seemingly beautiful and pleasant  things in the world that God's place doesn't really matter to us anymore; we get to a point where we feel we can just carry on with our self-seeking lives on our own.

This song subtly pushes a question which I'm also pushing to you. At the end of it all, on what side do you want to be? Take a little time to consider what really truly matters.

Sugarspring, thank me later for this :D

Have a wonderful week.


  1. I have this song, but never seen the video before. Lol at your blog disappearance. Good thing you did not bother your head about it.

    1. I hope you like the video too...We most def have some music in common!

  2. On the side of God... We must never let our worries and cares take us away from him. I think they were perhaps doing some maintenance at that time. lol. FEAR NOT! lol

    - LDP

    1. Maintenance sha...okay o. I'm not taking chances again.

  3. Replies
    1. Dashboard===>Settings===>Other===>Blog Tools===>Delete Blog===>Download Blog.

      It saves as an xml file sha which you can just simply import if anything happens.

  4. Gosh you got me thinking about my blog disappearing! Not a very pleasant thought. I need to now learn how to back up my blog.

    I can't listen to the song now cos I'm at work and can't find my earphones. I'm sure it's nice though.

    Have I said happy new year? I think I I have... Not sure though so Happy new year (again)

    1. Lol...please fear not; just follow d steps I gave Toin above although im not sure if it's same for WordPress.

      The song is nice. Try listen to it sometime.

      Thanks you. Happy new year too.

  5. In the midst of all the crazies, cries and "things-not-going-fight". I'm continually learning to stay on Heaven's side. you're scaring me. Blog disappeared ke? Ah! I should back mine up too o.

  6. i haf downloaded the video frm ur page..yay!!!!..ive listened to small and i know im gonna love it
    still kisssssssssssssssssssssssing you fr anthem lights
    recently that song "cant get over you" has been hitting some soft spots in me when i listen to it in the mornings...
    it gives me this calm
    i wish we had a rock christian concert we can both go to...and just bob our head while we listen to bands playing
    awwww...u were ill...sowy love!! is well with you IJN..
    dont know what happened to me ds week tho..rock didnt seem to work fr my mood when i thought it shd..#sigh#
    i wrote something abt it in my new post. hope u understand sha..but im berra

    1. Sugar sugar *Mwah* I love Can't get over you and Where the light is. The second one does things to me (sure u understand that).

      Yes yes! We def need a rock concert....would be too awesome.
      Thanks hun, I'm all good now :-D
      I know that feeling, I usually just switch to RnB when that happens. Now going to read your post.

  7. Hey dear...happy new year!
    You made me check out anthem lights and am sooooo glad I did! I love love love them..

    1. Oh yea? Nice! Thanks for checking them out n letting me know.

      They are awesome!!

  8. Blog disappear ke, blogger should not "se ere kere oh"...I hope you are feeling better now, take care of yourself.

  9. hey girl! have I wished you a Happy new year already? blogger better not try me with that blog disappearing thing o...
    I believe all is well with you, best wishes!

  10. Reminds me of when Google told me malicious activities were occurring from my blog and locked me out for some days. The forums I read on fixing this were even worse. lol. Thank God you found a way.

    On loosing faith, it happens to all of us sometimes but we must just understand it's all part of the growth process.

  11. Tech,d invisible bt works lik magic bt i am giant of d jungle,yet nothin produced i to d world.abpoet


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